
Monday, February 4, 2008

Stampin' Fanatic Challenge Week #1

Hello Ladies...

For those of you who made it to the New Catalog Party, you already know about this challenge. For anyone who didn't, please feel free to join us well!!

The Stampin' Fanatic Challenge is a weekly challenge to get your creative energy flowing!

The idea is to take on the challenge, make a card/scrapbook page(or two or three!), take a photo, and e-mail it to me! Each week I'll post a new and different challenge. As the weeks go on, they will get more "difficult" in an effort to stretch your horizons!

It's really meant to be fun, and to get you to try new things!

You can "compete" each week, only once per month, or any combination of weeks as you see fit. If you compete ONCE in ANY month then you are entered for a drawing to receive FREE products, handmade cards, etc. I will post a sample of each weeks' challenge here and also upload your photos at the end of the week!


Here is your first challenge... have fun!!

Make a card/scrapbook page with only ONE layer. You can use embellishments as you see fit.

Check back later for my sample!


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