
Monday, May 26, 2008

One last peek...

And here is *the* final sample of Meg's wedding invites!!

I'm really happy with the way they turned out!

I have most of the parts here, and I started cutting and printing some pieces tonight. It's going to be a LONG and busy month, but I think the final result and getting my name out there will make it ALL worthwhile!!

I have to go out and get the ribbon this week as well, but other than that I'm ready to assemble once she gets back to me with a few more details.

I'm hoping it will go rather quickly. Cutting 100 belly bands & response cards only took 45 mins tonight (Thanks to my new Tonic cutter, I'm sure!!).

Back to the grind tomorrow... but lucky me, I have Friday off too! :)

Later Ladies!

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