
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dress Inspired Challenge

I LOVED this challenge on Splitcoast. The idea is to look at movie's, pick a dress that you liked/were inspired by and create a card to replicate that dress.

I immediately picked the dress from The King and I- It's a beautiful gray ball gown that has amazing puffy sleeves embellished with perals. The skirt is a huge hoop skirt and the entire thing is beautiful satin. LOVE it.

Then today, I decided to try another. One, because I wanted to make one to represent the person who's nickname I go by, and secondly because I wanted to try another card with sticky cuts. I'm still try to decide if I will make a card to send in for this month. Hrmm. We shall see.

So today's card was made to replicate Dorothy's dress from the Wizard of Oz. LOVE the way it turned out- I really like the ribbon weave technique and thought it'd be perfect for representing her gingham dress.



  1. So cute! I love the one from the King and I, very elegant! What a great challenge!

  2. These are the ribbon one!
