
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

SO much great news!!

There are so many new and great things happening at Stampin' Up!

Here is a quick run-down:

** All NEW stamp sets will now be die-cut!! No more cutting rubber, folks! Yah!!! (note that all current and dormant sets will still need to be cut) **

** All Hodgepodge Hardware sets are 25% OFF now through August 10th!! **

** The newest IN COLORS are fabulous!!! You will love them, I promise!! **

** INTRODUCING: Decor Elements!! Fun little sayings/decorative wall art (see pic above). Mine is on order and once I have them applied I will certainly take some pics and post them here! **

Also... the new catalog has lots of great items in store. More simply sent kits, designer paper, the scallop edge punch to name a few. The newest sets are to die for, and the hostess sets (one comes with rub-ons, a stamp set, AND designer paper stack!!) will have you begging for a workshop!
Because there is SO much great stuff- Book a workshop for IN August (after the 11th; release date) and I will toss in a FREE set of catalog/idea books: Fall 07, Spring 08, and the newest Fall 08. ALSO take advantage of my hostess offer of an extra $20 in FREE merchandise AND I'll toss in a FREE order of rub-ons as well! & we'll do 3 make-n-takes will ALL new items!! Book your class/workshop today!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad you updated your blog! I want to do a workshop badly, but it will have to wait until September because August is a busy month! I'll keep in touch!
