
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

KWerner Challenge #52


I can't believe I am finally IN TIME for a challenge again. It's been so long!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this combo. And, I knew right away I wanted to use the Fresh Cuts set for this card. Ta Da...

Another birthday card for my mother-in-law's order.

Up close... I did a bit of sponging and used up the last of the So Saffron ribbon I had from a swap. To.Die.For.

Oh, and this button is WAY better than the one on the last card ;)


  1. Love your main image and how all the colours fit so well together :)

  2. Great minds...I used this set oo, Love your card!

  3. What an elegant card -- I'm sure your mother-in-law will be so happy to be able to use it!
