
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My mojo is back...

That's right folks... I'm back to my old self, wanting nothing more than to create. Of course there is a lot less time for that with a new baby- but bless her heart, it's sooo worth the sacrafices I've had to make at my desk ;)

This first card is for a special little boy who is being Baptised next weekend...

The next card was a special order from my mom...our hair stylist (and friend) Katie is getting two new kitties and my mom wanted to congratulate her. I should have taken a pic of the inside... I used these adorable stickers that were fish shaped, circlular, and square to spell out the letters in the kitties names (Viola & Heidi). Too cute.

And this card was also a special order... Mom is going to Vegas in June with a group of ladies, and it's one of their birthday's. However, she doesn't even know this particular lady, so I wanted to make something fabulous! Whatca think?!

More posts to follow...

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