
Monday, February 21, 2011

Altering Frames... A Tutorial!

I LOVE to alter things. I have tins, boxes, bags- all saved in case I need to make something special in a pinch!

Well, here is another thing I found I can alter! FRAMES!

I bought an ADORABLE set from ScrapbookSteals a while back called Alphabet Soup. I bought it with the intent of letting G play with the flash cards & to use to decorate items in her soon to be "big girl" room (a HUGE post on that soon!).

I got to work yesterday and decided to show you how you can make your own adorable art work for your kids' rooms! :)

I took a frame that we had gotten as a gift before G was born:

And got out all my paper and supplies:

I then emptied the frame and covered the entire thing with Mod Podge:

I've never used Mod Podge before, so this was a new trial for me. Looks like I have to do a lot of projects... a little bit goes a LONG way!!

I laid out my 12x12 paper and made sure I was lining the frame up straight with the paper design. Luckily, I choose a paper that had a back side pattern that ran the same way so I could make sure it was just right.

After that, I took scissors and made sure I cut all the way up the sides to the edges in a diagonal fashion.

Like this:
Then, I trimmed the extra paper- just make sure you leave enough to wrap all the way to the backside of the frame.

Next up, I poked a hole in the center of the frame and cut that in diagonals too.

As you can tell, it doesnt have to be perfect! I applied more Mod Podge to the inside edges and worked the paper up. It was squirting out, but not sticking all that well. So, I brought out the trusty ole Fabri-Tac. I am in love with that stuff. Really. It works for me everytime! ;)

After that, I used my bone folder to really crease the paper inside the edges and trimmed the excess. You can also use the edge of scissors to cut the extra. ;)

I then worked my way around all the edges, tucking in and gluing pieces.

Next, I cut a piece of scrapbook paper and embellished it to match her room. I made sure it fit properly with the glass and inserted it. We love owls!

It wasn't exactly right... so I went and got out some distressing ink and a sponge:

I worked it around the outside and inside picture edges.

You can see where a little mod podge squirted out on the upper right hand side. Oh well, gives it more character :)

I don't know what you think, but I LOVE it!!


Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. Love the transformation. Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower.

  2. I have so many frames I could do this to. I am so on it!
