
Friday, May 29, 2009

A couple more...

Wanted to share two more cards I made this week... I've been busy making them and I'm loving all of them lately!!

A birthday card for our friend, Neil, who is turning 30 and having a hawaiian themed party.

And a shower card for my cousins fiancee... I made it to match the colors of the wrapping paper I used. Cute!

Raspberry Suite Challenge #7

Just a really quick card to enter in the challenge... I just met the extended deadline! I had been trying to get it done, but I had some others cards I had to make as well.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Finding inspiration in new places...

Now that I have a newborn, I spend lots of time sitting & feeding her. I tend to use the Boppy pillow a lot because it helps prop her up and saves me one arm! I have an adorable slipcover on it with cupcakes on one side & sprinkles on the other... I realized that there were all sorts of good color combos on the Boppy that I could use!

Here is what I came up with:

KWerner Challenge #53

LOVE this challenge- especially because it was just that- a HUGE challenge! These were some hard colors to work with, but I love what I came up with. Perfect for all those Graduations this summer!

So glad I got to participate again... I just love doing these and coming up with something using colors I would have NEVER thought to put together myself!

Thanks, Kristina :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Raspberry Suite Challenge #6

I'm always insipred by Dawn, so I was excited to take part in her challenge!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

KWerner Challenge #52


I can't believe I am finally IN TIME for a challenge again. It's been so long!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this combo. And, I knew right away I wanted to use the Fresh Cuts set for this card. Ta Da...

Another birthday card for my mother-in-law's order.

Up close... I did a bit of sponging and used up the last of the So Saffron ribbon I had from a swap. To.Die.For.

Oh, and this button is WAY better than the one on the last card ;)

Kristina Werner Challenge #50

Kristina had a HUGE giveaway for her 50th challenge.... of course I was late for it. But, I loved this color combo SO much that I had to play along, even if I did miss the deadline.

I've been busy working on birthday card orders for my mother-in-law... this one will be added to the stack!

And a close-up... I needed a bigger button for the center of the tie, but alas I didn't have one in my stash. Surprisingly. Really. If you saw how many buttons I have you'd be shocked I didn't have another yellow in a larger size.

Oh well- I love it nonetheless. :)

My mojo is back...

That's right folks... I'm back to my old self, wanting nothing more than to create. Of course there is a lot less time for that with a new baby- but bless her heart, it's sooo worth the sacrafices I've had to make at my desk ;)

This first card is for a special little boy who is being Baptised next weekend...

The next card was a special order from my mom...our hair stylist (and friend) Katie is getting two new kitties and my mom wanted to congratulate her. I should have taken a pic of the inside... I used these adorable stickers that were fish shaped, circlular, and square to spell out the letters in the kitties names (Viola & Heidi). Too cute.

And this card was also a special order... Mom is going to Vegas in June with a group of ladies, and it's one of their birthday's. However, she doesn't even know this particular lady, so I wanted to make something fabulous! Whatca think?!

More posts to follow...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Playing Catch Up...

Dawn McVey's Raspberry Suite Challenge, Week #1:
Color Inspiration Challenges:

And a cool card for my sister-in-law who gradutaed from Oakland University this past Saturday. Congrats, Mary I!!