
Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Purple Pug!


It was literally the first word out of my mouth when Kristy from The Purple Pug messaged me on CPN about being featured on her blog! Kristy is doing a mission in kindness and featuring one fellow creative blogger/mom-preneaur/party princess every day for ONE year!! Amazing!

I'm humbled by the whole thing, and being part of such a wonderful experiment excites me.

Today, I was Pug Crush #41!!! Yippee! Kristy is so genuine and down to earth... she talks about me like Im some kind of stampin' goddess. Ha. I just LOVE my stamps! ;)


Welcome to all the new followers!

Feel free to follow on Facebook too... Once I get 200 fans, I'll be doing a giveaway here on the 'ole blog!
Stay tuned!

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