
Friday, December 17, 2010

200 Facebook fans... and a GiVeAwAy!!!!

Welcome to all my NEW fans and friends!!
Thanks for joining me for my FIRST blog giveaway!!!
If you're new here, let me introduce myself:
My name is Kristin.
I'm a 28 year old wife and mother of one daughter and one dog-ter who lives in a suburb of Detroit.
I work 30 hours a week at my "real" job as a dental receptionist, and the rest of the time I moonlight as the Stampin' Fanatic!
I LOVE stamps, paper, ribbon, rhinestones... you get the idea ;)
I make wedding and event invites, banners, cupcake toppers, hanging decor, diaper cakes, wipes cases, and SO much more.
I LOVE to make new items and I LOVE sharing it with all of YOU.

Thanks SO much for stopping by! Because my Facebook page reached 200 Fabulous Fanatic! Fans, I'm SO excited  and able to offer this giveaway to you!!

For this Fabulous Fanatic! Fan Giveaway, I have up for grabs :
One personalized handmade circle scallop banner

Like these:

These banners are AWESOME for holidays, birthdays, work party celebrations, anniversaries, and anything else you can imagine!

To enter:
Please leave me a comment here telling me why you'd LOVE to win a handmade banner and what you'd use it for!

**There are FOUR additional ways to enter (each is worth ONE additional entry-- make sure you come back and leave a comment for EACH of the following 4 things you do!!)**:

1) LIKE me on Facebook and leave me a comment here saying you did!

2) View my photos on FB and tell me what work of art YOU love, then leave me a comment here to tell me.

3) FOLLOW me on my blog and leave a comment here saying you did!

4) FOLLOW me on Twitter and leave me a comment saying you did! (I feel like this should only be 1/2 an entry because I have NO idea how to use Twitter... Not.even.kidding! ;) )

Please be SURE to leave me an e-mail address OR have one on your blog so that I can contact you when you win! Please add my e-mail: to your contacts so you can receive the message!

The giveaway will close tomorrow (12/18) at Midnight. I will choose a winner using and announce the winner on Sunday evening! Winner will have 24 hrs to reply before I'll choose another winner.

The winner will ALSO select a random number from 1-the total # of comments I receive, and that person will receive a $10 credit to my Etsy store!

Best of luck to you ALL!

Happy Stampin' ;)
post signature


  1. I would totally LOVE to have a personal banner made by YOU!!! I would use it for my wedding in August :) You are awesome, I love your work :)
    -Katie Downey

  2. I would like to win the banner b/c I think they are so cute and your work and creativity is amazing. I would plan on using it for Jackson's first birthday.

  3. I would love to have one of these very special banners for my mother-in-laws 80th birthday party! She would be So thrilled, as would I!!!

  4. I LOVE your work and LOVE that addisons banner is one of the displays!!! I would love to win a new banner for Cullens 1st birthday!!!!

  5. I didn't know you had another facebook page for your business - but I "like" it! You are so talented!

  6. Oh, and by the way - I would love a personal banner for any of my kids's birthdays or maybe for the new baby..... his birth, baptism etc - with 4 kids we are always celebrating something!!!

  7. I would love to a have a personal banner made by you because I absolutely love your work! I would use it to congratulate Justin when we find out where he'll be for his residency in February!

  8. I already liked you on facebook so, I posted a link to your page for extra measure!

  9. I also just followed your blog...I think! I don't really blog much so this is new to me!

  10. My favorite card of yours was the one you gave me on my wedding day! You put so much thought into each of your projects! It is beautiful and even more so because I know it came from the heart! Each of your creations is so thought out and personal! I love it!

  11. I would love to win a personalized banner for my newest granddaughters arrival!! ;-))) Wouldn't it be so cute to hang in her room???

  12. I would love the banner to celebrate my Nieces birthday every year.

    Lauren Holcomb

  13. I really love the photos on your Facebook of the wedding invites! I really like the stamps and the black fancy boarders! -Katie Downey

  14. I am now "following" you on your blog! I added your site to my favorites :)

    -Katie Downey
