
Friday, December 31, 2010

As 2010 comes to a close...

I could say SO much about 2010. It was a horrible year, and a fabulous year at the same time.

My business has grown SO much thanks to the internet & referrals from friends and family. I have two wedding invite orders for 2011, plus one that I am helping my wonderful friend Sarah with. I have bridal shower invite orders, and a fabulous "It's fun to BEE two" party to plan for my own little lady. I'm in the works with some local ladies for a fabulous giveaway, and I now have over 220 FB fans!

I'm SO blessed to be able to do what I love... this invite and party planning business is what I have dreamed of my ENTIRE life.

I look forward to learning SO much more in 2011 from all the fabulous NEW friends I've made thru Children's Party Network, too.

Thanks for helping the newbie, ladies. You are ALL a wonderful inspiration! :)

I'll be back MORE in 2011, lots more posts... and even some tutorials on fun and easy DIY items!

Stay tuned... happy stampin'!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Laura chose comment #7... left by Julie! Congrats on the $10 credit to my Etsy shop, Julie!! :)

And the winner issssss....

The winner of the banner giveaway was comment #2... Laura Bennett! Congratulations to Laura!!! Her comment said: "I would like to win the banner b/c I think they are so cute and your work and creativity is amazing. I would plan on using it for Jackson's first birthday".

Thanks SO much Laura, and everyone else, especially for the kind comments. You are all so sweet!! :)

Now... Laura will choose another number and I will announce that winner, ASAP! :)

I'll be sure to post pictures of Laura's banner when Jackson turns ONE! :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

200 Facebook fans... and a GiVeAwAy!!!!

Welcome to all my NEW fans and friends!!
Thanks for joining me for my FIRST blog giveaway!!!
If you're new here, let me introduce myself:
My name is Kristin.
I'm a 28 year old wife and mother of one daughter and one dog-ter who lives in a suburb of Detroit.
I work 30 hours a week at my "real" job as a dental receptionist, and the rest of the time I moonlight as the Stampin' Fanatic!
I LOVE stamps, paper, ribbon, rhinestones... you get the idea ;)
I make wedding and event invites, banners, cupcake toppers, hanging decor, diaper cakes, wipes cases, and SO much more.
I LOVE to make new items and I LOVE sharing it with all of YOU.

Thanks SO much for stopping by! Because my Facebook page reached 200 Fabulous Fanatic! Fans, I'm SO excited  and able to offer this giveaway to you!!

For this Fabulous Fanatic! Fan Giveaway, I have up for grabs :
One personalized handmade circle scallop banner

Like these:

These banners are AWESOME for holidays, birthdays, work party celebrations, anniversaries, and anything else you can imagine!

To enter:
Please leave me a comment here telling me why you'd LOVE to win a handmade banner and what you'd use it for!

**There are FOUR additional ways to enter (each is worth ONE additional entry-- make sure you come back and leave a comment for EACH of the following 4 things you do!!)**:

1) LIKE me on Facebook and leave me a comment here saying you did!

2) View my photos on FB and tell me what work of art YOU love, then leave me a comment here to tell me.

3) FOLLOW me on my blog and leave a comment here saying you did!

4) FOLLOW me on Twitter and leave me a comment saying you did! (I feel like this should only be 1/2 an entry because I have NO idea how to use Twitter... Not.even.kidding! ;) )

Please be SURE to leave me an e-mail address OR have one on your blog so that I can contact you when you win! Please add my e-mail: to your contacts so you can receive the message!

The giveaway will close tomorrow (12/18) at Midnight. I will choose a winner using and announce the winner on Sunday evening! Winner will have 24 hrs to reply before I'll choose another winner.

The winner will ALSO select a random number from 1-the total # of comments I receive, and that person will receive a $10 credit to my Etsy store!

Best of luck to you ALL!

Happy Stampin' ;)
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Purple Pug!


It was literally the first word out of my mouth when Kristy from The Purple Pug messaged me on CPN about being featured on her blog! Kristy is doing a mission in kindness and featuring one fellow creative blogger/mom-preneaur/party princess every day for ONE year!! Amazing!

I'm humbled by the whole thing, and being part of such a wonderful experiment excites me.

Today, I was Pug Crush #41!!! Yippee! Kristy is so genuine and down to earth... she talks about me like Im some kind of stampin' goddess. Ha. I just LOVE my stamps! ;)


Welcome to all the new followers!

Feel free to follow on Facebook too... Once I get 200 fans, I'll be doing a giveaway here on the 'ole blog!
Stay tuned!

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Cookie Giveaway Time!!!

Everyone LOVES a good cookie, riiiight?!

I know *I* do!

I entered, and you should too!

Go HERE to the Dandy Delights blog and enter Sara's cookie giveaway! What would you do with your dozen cookies?? I think I'd eat them all myself give them as gifts to co-workers ;)


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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Cards...

Everyone knows I LOVE to make cards... I wish I sent more of my cards out more often. It just seems like I always get orders and get SO busy that my stuff comes last.

Christmas time is NO different. Seems like nowadays everyone sends photo cards, because really, no one sees one another all that often- photo cards are the PERFECT way to let your family and friends see how much you and the kiddies have changed in one year!

I don't ever consider myself as lazy, and I feel like I am *still* being creative, when I chose to make my own holiday cards using a site like Shutterfly. This year, I am loving the Merry Plaid and the With Love Chartreuse cards!! I like the flat cards,  but the folded ones are perfect too! You can personalize each one at home, or have a message printed the same for everyone. What a time saver!

Because I am always on the quest to save some green, I often order cards and prints when I have a code. All you do is sign-up with them, upload your pics, and go to town! They e-mail you with deals often! :) It's perfect!

We are getting one these mugs for someone this year, complete with an adorable pic of Gracie, of course!

Last year I made two wall calendars, one for my mom and one for Kev's mom, of 12 months of Grace pics. FUN! They LOVED them!

So there ya have it... it's settled. Ordering photo cards this year, for sure! What about you?? Which card is YOUR fav?

Are YOU a blogger?? See how you may be able to get 50 FREE photo cards from Shutterfly!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Custom Made Gift Tags

You can find these on sale in my shop!

What do you think?!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Little Monsters Invites & Decor

I recently had the chance to create an AWESOME theme that I'd been DYING to do!!

Little Monsters!!

Here they are... and let me say, I LOVE these little guys! ;)

Custom Banner

Little Blue Guy

Green Guy

Yellow Plaid Guy

Mini Thank You Notes: 4"x4"

Simple, one page invite: 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Children's Party Network

For the love of parties!!!! Yah! There is finally a site where I can gabber alllll about kids parties and get some GREAT ideas from the party pros in the process!! :)

Check it out!

Childrens Party Network OR see my profile here!

Annnddd... if you look on the right hand side bar, you will see that *I* am a featured member ;) Yippee!

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Christmas Card Samples

I know I don't post often enough, but I wanted to share these super cute cards with you all!!

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